Ever since the Sexual Revolution of the 60’s and the 70’s, western Christians have been tempted to retreat from traditional Biblical sexual ethics. Even if our personal practice has not changed, we have felt some pressure with regard to our teaching, either to raise our voices because of the conflict with our culture, or else […]
As we near the end of the 20th century the Christian church in the States is undergoing a huge identity crisis. The things that we used to consider sacred are questioned at every turn and the things that were clearly out of bounds twenty years ago are now evangelical options. Change and flexibility seem to […]
In the early afternoon of January 11, I, as a close friend of Henry Vander Kam, received notice that our brother, Henry Vander Kam, had the day before departed this life to be forever with the Lord in glory. He was born on November 8, 1917, to Cornelius […]
Spring is approaching and many of us are taking inventory of our gardening tools, preparing flower beds and plowing the garden. No, an article from Farm Journal hasn’t slipped into the Outlook. I am not suggesting how to have a more successful garden, but I do want to consider cultivation—the cultivation of the human soul […]
We have been spending time the past couple of months reflecting on common statements made pertaining to issues within the church that reveal a sense of confessional indifference. Here is another one. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO WORSHIP Much time is spent discussing women in office and the entire homosexual question in the […]
In my previous article, introducing the subject of the millennium and various millennial views, I noted that one of the major types of views is often termed “premillennialism.” In this type of view, it is argued that Christ’s return will occur “pre-” or before the establishment of the millennium. This view has, furthermore, two main […]
Toleration and schism. Toleration is one of the great virtues of our time. Toleration is a benevolent attitude to views or practices different from one’s own. The tolerant accept and cooperate with those who are distinct in some significant way from themselves. Schism is a serious sin against love. From the ancient period church leaders […]
Upon the Jews’ cessation of rebuilding the temple, they languished in complacency and indifference. The unfinished temple project was no longer a priority. The very reason for their having come back to Jerusalem was no longer even on their minds. They made no effort to resume the building. […]
Periodically, it is important to revisit the basics of our work in the Lord’s church. Marriage partners should re-read Ephesians 5:21ff; preachers should not neglect to preach on John 3:16 or Ephesians 2:1–10 on a regular basis so as to remind God’s people of the fundamentals; and elders and deacons should review the basic Scriptural […]
W.H. Neuser, ed. Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin as Confessor of Holy Scripture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994 (277 pages, $ 24.99 US). Reviewed by N.H. Gootjes. No one doubts that Calvin, who lived more than four hundred years ago (1509–1564), is still important today. His importance can be illustrated by the ongoing Calvin research. There […]