In the following article, Mrs. Groenendyk, after explaining the idea of “adiaphora,” discusses two main ideas: (1) Howard Van Till’s “Adiaphora Strategy” in The Fourth Day, and (2) Van Till’s “Adiaphora Strategy” in Reverse. This second section is satire which applies to Van Till’s book the same strategies he uses against the Bible. The headings […]
The condition of the CRC is confusing at best. Challenges to the Bible’s teaching on its own inerrancy, on women in office, on creation, the feminization of God, abortion and homosexuality are being raised constantly. The pew wonders if anything is “for sure” anymore. The Council of the First Chino Christian Reformed Church in Chino, […]
Key Verse: “Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.” 1 Peter 4:19 The theme of suffering trials at the hands of unbelievers is one of the central topics in 1 Peter. Already in 1:6 the apostle had mentioned […]
1 Peter 5:1–5 Key Verse: “…and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not lade away.” 1 Peter 5:4 The letter of 1 Peter was written to a number of churches throughout Asia Minor, each of which bad been built under the careful eye of the apostles and […]
In this issue the author begins a series of three articles dealing with the hermeneutical downward spiral. This month he examines the roots of this spiral in the Enlightenment of three hundred years ago. In the second article he will trace the downward spiral in the now liberal Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). In the third […]
In January the trustees (formerly Synodical Interim Committee) of the Christian Reformed Church in North America(CRCNA) sent a letter to members of their denomination. In that letter the trustees “observed with increasing disappointment and concern the various negative statements and charges which have been leveled at the CRCNA and its various agencies.” And, while they […]
At a recent Redeemer College faculty meeting, we talked about the antithesis. The context was a discussion of Reformed emphases and distinctives in our curriculum—how best to introduce and reinforce them. During the meeting we also talked about tensions resulting from the diversity of church backgrounds represented in the student body. It is sometimes difficult […]
The Bible’s teaching about the “intermediate state,” the condition of believers between death and the resurrection of the body at Christ’s return, has been subject historically to differing viewpoints. Though there has been a general unanimity in the historic Christian church that believers enjoy a provisional and intensified communion with Christ upon death, a communion […]
Grand Rapids, MI (January 26, 1994) RBPS – In a letter sent to each family in the 311,000-member Christian Reformed denomination, the CRC’s top denominational board reported that it has “observed with increasing disappointment and concern the various negative statements and charges which are being leveled,” and “concluded that a response is necessary lest anyone […]