“Searching for the Real Jesus”

A Questionable Search Recently (December 12, 1979) Newsweek magazine had a cover article on the subject given above. For us, the subject is uninviting, unwelcome. We feel, do we not, that it is unnecessary to search for the real Christ? All we need do is accept Him as He stands revealed in the Bible. And […]

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Reprobation and Boer’s Gravamen

Dr. Harry Boer submitted to the 1977 CRC Synod a gravamen in which at the outset he states: “I submit herewith for synodical examination and adjudication a gravamen against the Reformed doctrine of reprobation as taught notably in the Canons of Dort, Chapter I, Article 6 and Chapter I, Article 15 . . .” In […]

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Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25, 26. Everybody needs comfort and security! And we need it today, as well as tomorrow. We need […]

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The Doctrine of Christ

Christ’s Atoning Death Graciously, by means of atonement, God has changed the situation between Himself and His own. As Jesus Christ obeyed God even unto death, the cause of our estrangement was removed and we know our Covenant God’s love and favor. But the question is: Just exactly what took place as Jesus suffered and […]

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I Expect the Resurrection

“He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (I Peter 1:3, NIV). A Musical Confession The B Minor Mass of Johann Sebastian Bach has been acclaimed the greatest work of possibly the world‘s greatest musician. Although he called his work a ” mass” and […]

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Becoming Congregational? CRC or CCC? Christian Reformed Church or Christian Congregational Church? Presbyterianism or independentism? Unity or diversity? Do we all agree on certain teachings and abide by certain rules, or does each one go his own way? One minister preaches this, but another preaches that? CRC or CCC? What do you think? You judge. […]

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Spotlighting the Issues: God’s Inviolable (II)

The March OUTLOOK contained the first of a series of articles, suggested by the Reformed Fellowship’s Board, which would call attention to basic issues which trouble our churches. Because we are to do this by presenting side-by-side (1) the historic, Biblical, Reformed view and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by an increasing number […]

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Is Capital Punishment Obligatory in the Case of Murder?

A CRC synodically-appointed committee consisting of Doctors Henry Stob, Hessel Bouma III, Stephen Monsma, Clarence Vos, and Louis Vos have presented a report on Capital punishment (Acts of Synod 1979, pages 468–508) which report has been referred to the churches for study, reflection and response to the study committee by October 15, 1980 . . […]

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Family Planning

Image-Bearing When white light is passed through a transparent pr ism, the light is refracted into the many colors of the rainbow. It is an impressive demonstration of the beauty of God‘s design in creation. Similarly when the Light of the world, Jesus Christ, shines through the life of a spiritually dead man, the image […]

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Letters to the Editor

ON THE VOS LEGACY It was good that the Outlook carried the article by Peter De Jong on Geerhardus Vos and J.G. Vos. Some scholars feel that G. Vos was the greatest Reformed theologian the western hemisphere has produced. They consider that the mantle of Calvin fell on his shoulders. And J.G. is not only […]

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