And they shall call His name Immanuel. Matt. 1:23b Joseph did not understand it. But then, who really does? Isn’t all of the work of salvation characterized by the miraculous? Joseph and Mary had been “keeping company” for some time. They were engaged, which means that according to the custom of those days they were […]
It is obvious even to the casual observer that we live in a culture that is currently obsessed with youth. It seems that almost everyone wants to look younger than he or she really is. To meet this “need,” American industry puts out a great variety of products designed to thwart or camouflage the effects […]
During our pastorate at Lansing, Illinois in the Chicago vicinity we regularly read The Chicago Daily News, one of the attractions of which was the interesting cartoons by the well-known Vaughn Shoemaker. Year after year in the Christmas issue one of Shoemaker’s early cartoons would be repeated regularly. It depicted a plain little cattle shed, […]
Seven days of “business as usual” has been a growing problem in many places with British Columbia being no exception. As soon as businesses found that the Attorney General of B.C. was not going to enforce the Federal “Lord’s Day Act” it was wide open season. For some five years the Social Credit Government took […]
One of my earliest impressions as a lad growing up in the church was gained at a Dutch service on a Sunday afternoon in the old Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. The sanctuary was “packed out,” as the British say, the sermon was long and in a language which was quite foreign […]
“And Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of […]
God‘s salvation is fantastic. It is wonderful in its comprehensive goal. God has promised marvelous blessings for today and tomorrow. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Now we are sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be. However, it has not always been easy to know how much […]
Lesson 9 I Thessalonians 5:16–28 The Apostle is coming to the close of this first epistle to the Thessalonian church but he still has many things to say to them. When we consider the volume of work accomplished by this man, we often wonder how he found the time to write to so many churches […]
The annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship was held Sept. 25, 1980, at the Kellogsville Christian Reformed Church and Christian school. This is one of the few opportunities for a number of our widely scattered “Fellowship” to meet in larger than local gatherings. Featured in this year’s program as speakers were Professor Norman De Jong […]
A WORLD TO WIN: PREACHING WORLD MISSIONS TODAY, edited by Roger S. Greenway. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1975. 135 pp. $3.95, paper. Review ed by Rev. Jerome Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa. The six contributors to this book are experienced foreign missionaries. All but one, Arthur Glasser, contribute […]