The American Approach The paradox of our day is the so-called cold war, which despite it professed coldness gets pretty hot at times, at least here at home. The communist aggressor from outside tries to infiltrate our “cradle of democracy” in order to overthrow our beloved “American way of life,” and to subvert its basic ideas. Radio commentators […]
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 It is important that we have a well-founded certainty of our salvation. Many people feel sure they are saved who have no right to feel sure; they have no well-founded […]
In the April issue of The Reformed Journal Dr. Henry Stob of Calvin Seminary presents his reply to our “Note to a Seminary Professor” appearing in the February number of Torch and Trumpet. Dr. Stob’s reply is entitled “Towards Better Understanding.” Needless to say we have read Dr. Stob’s reply with a great deal of interest […]
In one of his recent works Dr. J.H. Bavinck of the Netherlands insists that among the most significant lessons which the Holy Spirit has been teaching the church of our day is the truth that missions belongs to the very essence of the church. Let us listen to what this scholar has to say, “A Church […]
In the whole history of Old Testament scholarship there is hardly a phase that is more interesting than the history of opinion with respect to the authorship of the prophecy of Isaiah. As we sought to point out in the last issue of Torch and Trumpet, one who is willing to accept the witness of […]
We have seen the statement: “The highest function of education is teaching men to think.” This philosophy assumes that man has the inherent ability to arrive at a right conclusion and to conduct h is life accordingly; but, nothing could be farther from the truth. That men should be taught to think is unquestionably a part […]
In 1952 Dr. D.H. Th. Vollenhoven completed 25 years of teaching at the Free University of Amsterdam. In itself this is cause enough for rejoicing in praise of the mercies of God. The great cause for the rejoicing on the part of Prof. Vollenhoven’s associates was not merely the recognition of an anniversary, but rather that he […]
The question of belief in God is the question of questions, for it underlies all other questions. Is the human race alone in this universe, or is there an infinite Person above and beyond us? Is life really worth anything? Is there really a life after death? The answers depend on whether we believe in God. […]
In my last article (Feb–Mar issue) brought to our attention the need of establishing a Reformed Seminary in China. A general picture was drawn with reference to the present situation in Chinese theological institutions. Its need was further explained by stressing the necessity of starting and building up independent indigenous churches in that land, the consequent urgency […]
THE PROGRESS OF DOGMA. By James Orr. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1952. 365 pages. $3.00. DE ONTWIKKELING VAN HET DOGMA IN DE ROOMS KATHOLIEKE THEOLOGIE. By G.E. Meuleman. Kampen, The Netherlands: J.H. Kok, 1951. 166 pages. Both of these books deal with the progress of dogma. Orr gives a history of dogma from the Protestant standpoint while Meuleman […]