The Child’s Name Was God

“And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 7:14). “And his name shall be called . . . Mighty God.” Isaiah 9:6 A Christmas “Fairy-Tale”? Calvinist Contact on October 5 reported in a special insert, on the enthusiastic opening of t he new King’s College in […]

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The Doctrine of Christ – Our Only High Priest

Whenever the Church calls God’s Only–begotten Son the Christ, the Church is confessing that this Son is essential in God’s plan of redemption. Christ, meaning “anointed,” is the title that says that He was appointed and qualified for the work of salvation. Just as Samuel was anointed as prophet, Aaron as priest, and David as […]

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The Vos Legacy

“GEERHARDUS VOS (1862–1949): A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH” by Ransom Lewis Webster pp 304–317 in The Westminster Theological Journal, Spring, 1978. THE BOOK OF BOOKS, Essays on the Scriptures in Honor of Johannes G. Vos, edited by John H. White, 150 pp. +37 page list of the published writings of J. G. Vos, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing […]

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And Adam Called Her Eve

And the man called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Genesis 3:20 Was Adam a Christian? Is he in heaven today? Is the first man who is the human cause of all sin and misery that this world has seen throughout the ages, saved? The answer is beyond any […]

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Noel Weeks of Sidney, Australia, concludes his discussion of differences which are threatening the unified efforts of Reformed and Presbyterians for Biblical faith and action. Many modern Reformed people excuse their divergence from the Bible and the Creeds by saying that they are loyal to the “intent” of both. Dr. Weeks points out what is […]

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Christian Rock Music

The editorial committee has for some time been interested in finding a good article dealing with this subject. Recently a Calvin College musical group, Kyro, had its public r elations tour cancelled by College President Diekema. This touched off a flurry of criticism in the student paper, Chimes. Professor Calvin Stapert of the college music […]

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Letters to the Editor

Outlook Editor: I am writing this in response to the article “Should we make pictures of Jesus Christ?” by Stefan Trenev in the July,1979 edition of the Outlook . This article states that making and using pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ in Sunday School material, Baptism certificates, etc. is in “direct violation of the […]

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A Look at Books

AN ALARM TO UNCONVERTED SINNERS, by Joseph Alleine. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1978. 190 pp. $2.45, paper. Alleine (1634–1668), an Oxford graduate, wrote several books but this one is perhaps the most well-known. In this book he analyzes conversion and then speaks to those who are unconverted. THE BIBLE AND THE FUTURE, by […]

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