Index – Volume XXVIII (1978)

To find any item in this index note the numbers following the item, such as 6:2. This means that you will find what you are looking for in the June issue (6) on page 2. In the index of book reviews the name in parenthesis identifies the reviewer. AUTHORS ADAMS, JAY Transactional analysis  1:2 ANDERSON, SID […]

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The Cloud That Led Them

A New Year lies ahead! What will it bring? What will we experience, if we may live, in the months and days of this year? Such questions arise in our minds and souls, accompanied often with feelings of anxiety and fear. What will happen in the world, in the church, in our own denomination, in […]

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A Groundless Decision

Wednesday, June 21, was a historic day for the Christian Reformed Church. That afternoon, before a full house of observers, a decision with many implications was made by the Synod of our denomination. It was decided by a majority, but not unanimously, “That consistories be allowed to ordain qualified women to the office of deacon, […]

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God’s Men and Doctrines

ATHANASIUS AND THE DEITY OF CHRIST I’ve found one of the most exciting and profitable areas for Christian study to be the history of the Lord’s Church—and more particularly the history of the proclamation, preservation, defense and definition of its gospel doctrines. One of the most revealing points of view from which to approach the […]

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First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. II Peter 1:20, 21 (RSV) “Private interpretation and continuing revelation.” I’ve been tossing these phrases around in my […]

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Christianity Has a Moral Backbone

Evangelicalism today faces three major issues. One, engaging smaller numbers of people and not yet as easily recognizable in North America, is the question cf socialism and its appeal to the younger generation of evangelicals. The second, fully in the open, is the question of the authority of Scripture. Evangelicalism here seems to be placed […]

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Philosophy and Scripture

The title of this article is the title of a new book by John C. Vander Stelt with the sub-title, A Study in Old Princeton and Westminster Theology. It is his doctoral thesis for the Free University at Amsterdam in the Netherlands and is published by Mack Publishing Co., Marlton, New Jersey. Dr. Vander Stelt […]

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A Look at Books

BOOKS RECEIVED (Books received from the publishers for mention and/or review –John Vander Ploeg) DEATH BEFORE BIRTH by Harold O. J. Brown: 168 pages; Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers; $5.95: “a book which looks at all sides of the abortion problem . . . .” THE SHAKING OF ADVENTISM by Geoffrey J. Paxton; 172 pages; Baker […]

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