Liturgical Prizes or Surprises?

Not a few consistory members (and even more members of the congregation who are usually the victims of it) have probably cursed the day on which Synod appointed a standing Liturgical Committee with a sweeping and almost unlimited mandate. Every year again we are faced with a new product of its labors, and each year […]

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Calvin’s Doctrine of Scripture

Appeals have sometimes been made to John Calvin in effort to defend higher critical views of the Bible. This conclusion of John Murray’s 1959 lecture, of which the first part was in our October issue, should clear up some of the confusion about what Calvin taught and may help us to see more clearly what […]

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J. Gresham Machen

Dr. Gordon A. MacLennan, a Presbyterian minister, once paid tribute to J. Gresham Machen at a Westminster Theological Seminary dinner. He said, “What is it in Dr. Machen that stands out above everything else? I have given much thought to my own question. To me the answer does not lie in his scholarship, or in […]

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Our Question Box

Rev. Harlan G. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. From a southern subscriber comes a series of questions, from which I select this one as being of most interest to our readers: “What meaning has the gown used by some ministers in the pulpit in this […]

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A Godly Grandmother

Miss Johanna Timmer, departmental editor for Reformed Women Speak, writes: “The following tender account of one of God’s saints, is by Mrs. Frederika Prank, wife of the Rev. C. Pronk. You will find it a most pleasing essay about her very influential Christian grandmother. Old and young will enjoy this moving account of an outstanding […]

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Annual Meeting

This year‘s annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship was held at the Twelfth Ave. Church in Jenison and the banquet at the Christian school. At the brief business meeting it was reported that A. Besteman, S. De Young, H. Vanden Heuvel, and R. Van Putten were elected to the board. Leestma on Reprobation Featured in […]

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A Look at Books

BOOK NOTES Recent Reprints PSALMS, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. A one volume edition of a condensation of “The Treasury of David” by David Otis Fuller. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1976. 703 pp. $14.95. This edition of Spurgeon’s Treasury . . . contains quotations collected by Spurgeon and quotes from the “Prince of Preachers,” himself; on […]

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