Proposed Revision of the Form of Subscription

The Form of Subscription, discussed in this second article on the subject, may be found on page 71 at the back of the Psalter Hymnal. Efforts are now being put forth to have this Form revised. A specific amendment is presently under consideration by the churches, action on which is scheduled for Synod 1976. The […]

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Two Forms for the Baptism of Children are presently under consideration by the CRC and proposed for adoption in 1976. In this article Rev. Henry B. Vanden Heuvel explains this situation that has led to questions and some confusion and he also evaluates Form Number One. In a following article he plans to evaluate Form […]

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The New Translation of the Heidelberg Catechism

As one of the Doctrinal Standards of the Christian Reformed Church, the Heidelberg Catechism is familiar to readers of THE OUTLOOK, and the proposed new translation of it is of special interest and concern. Rev. Nicholas De Vries, of Ripon, California was asked to evaluate this new translation and he herewith complies with this request. […]

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Joy in Sorrow

“Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice”(Phil. 4:4). It‘s hard to be happy when you hurt. And there are alot of “hurts” in this world. Not just in terms of physical pain and suffering. the agony of a diseased body or mind, or the sorrow accompanying death; but the “hurts” of unemployment, […]

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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Dr. Vern S. Poythress, a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary, is presently pursuing graduate study at Cambridge University. The Summer issue 1974 Westminster Bulletin states that he “completed an honors course for the M.Div., also earned the Th.M., and made a clean sweep of the competitive prizes.” May 18 is Pentecost Sunday, thus making Dr. Poythress‘ […]

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Prosperity or another depression? What an odd, absurd, even asinine question! But is it really? Of course, a Gallup poll would settle that question in a hurry, once and for all, with a whopping, landslide majority in favor of prosperity. One would have to be crazy to ask God to bless America with another depression. […]

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Our Question Box

Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan is in charge of Our Question Box. This department is for everyone. From a reader in Iowa: Question: Does it conflict with our ideas of “Christian Liberty” to set up standards for conduct in recreation and amusement? We arc having a […]

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Christian School History Made in Canada

February 20. 1975 will go down in the annals of Christian school history as being an historic day. It is the day that the Canadian Christian Education Foundation (CCEF) was born. It w ill doubtless take a place comparable to April 29, 1949 when the Christian School Educational Foundation (CSEF) was founded in the United […]

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“Revelation-Response” in Bible Teaching

For two years now, some Christian Schools have been using the “Revelation-Response” series of Bible manuals, copyrighted in 1971, published and distributed by the National Union of Christian Schools, written and organized under the general supervision of Sheri Haan, Project Director. Why an evaluation of the work at this time? The December, 1973 (Vol. VII, […]

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A Look at Books

HOW JESUS WON MEN by L. R. Scarborough; 290 pp.; $2.95; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Reviewed by Rev. Harold Bossenbrock. The author was president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and also the professor of Evangelism. He has written other books on soul-winning such as With Christ After the Lost, A Search for Souls and […]

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