Anno Domini – 1973

When our paths crossed downtown that day the poor man had that same miserable, woebegone look that seemed to be frozen on his face. Reports had it that he had lost heavily during the Great Depression of the thirties and that this was probably the reason for his wretched appearance and all that gloom. Our […]

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Our Leprosy Work

That our women may become better acquainted with the leprosy program of the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria, we are imparting information given in an interview with Miss Bena Kok (recently retired from missionary nursing in Nigeria) and Miss Anita Vissia, home on furlough. who devoted much of her nursing experience and Christian witness to […]

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Notable Facts About Genesis History

“Genesis is unreliable because the dates and ages of the men living before the Flood just don’t come out right.” This statement was meant as a challenge; and, of course, I could not resist the urge to check for myself to see what exactly Genesis does say. It turned out to be a rewarding experience […]

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Guidance for Elders and Deacons

Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, is the author of several books and has also served as Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Seminary from 1964 to 1970. THE OUTLOOK is pleased herewith to present the first in a series of articles by him on […]

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The CRC and the Place of Preaching

Rev. Richard J. Venema, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa, writes: “Last year [1971] a member of our congregation donated $1,000 to Dordt College to sponsor an essay contest. This contest was open to all young people of the enc with the awards to be use as scholarships at Dordt College. […]

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Is the Jerusalem Bible Trustworthy?

THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, Reader’s Edition, edited by Alexander Jones (Gen. Ed.), (Doubleday and Company, 1971, 1695 pp., $6.50 paperback). Reviewed by William Huizinga, pastor of the Canadian Reformed Churches in London and Watford, Ontario. This JB (Jerusalem Bible) translation was completed largely by French Roman Catholics (mostly Dominicans). Its Roman Catholic character is revealed by […]

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Sunday School Dilemma – Proposed Solution

The following about The Sunday School Dilemma and a Proposed Solution is a release from the Board of the Reformed Fellowship. Inc. In 1970, the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church approved the document presented by the Board of Publications entitled “Toward a Unified Church School Curriculum” (cf. Acts of Synod, 1970, Supplement 13, p. […]

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Letters to the Editor

Your editorial and the articles of Revs. P. De Jong and A. Bcsteman (Nov. issue), along with Rev. E. Heerema’s in the October issue of THE OUTLOOK were timely. I wish every family in the CRC could read them. They reminded me of the warnings sounded by the late Rev. H . J. Kuiper, Rev. […]

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Lesson 9 THE MESSAGE (3) Read John 1:9–13, Romans 10 HOW MANY DECISIONS? In modern evangelism “getting a response” is the thing. In Gospel crusades the most sought after statistics are the number of “first decisions” and the number of “recommitments.” In recent years some groups add the number of those who “asked for prayer.” […]

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