Change and Decay – Abide and Grow

President Kromminga, Board of Trustees, Faculty of Calvin Seminary, Representatives of other institutions, Whatever other dignitaries may be present, Friends of Calvin Seminary: I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary for inviting me to speak on this happy occasion. Perhaps some of you think the board could have done […]

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Excerpts from Letters of a Christian Serviceman II

Right now I am faced with a type of problem typical of what many Christians face. In our unit the combined Federal Campaign, a kind of United Fund, is being collected. It gives money to such organizations as YMCA, Cancer Society, Catholic Charities, Jewish Charities, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Legal Aid Bureau, and scores of […]

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Kronecker, Creation and Christianity

“God created the natural numbers; all else is the work of man.” This remark, one of the more famous quotations in the history of mathematics, is attributed to Leopold Kronecker, brilliant 19th century German mathematician. Since it seems to minimize God and exalt man, this quotation is likely to alienate the Christian, at least when […]

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What Should Come First?

What should come first in the Christian’s life and work? Anyone would quickly answer; the necessary things in life! Though food, clothing, shelter are necessities in life, but not the absolute first things to strive for, these material aspects are not to be included in this discussion of “first things.” So what are the necessary […]

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Pastoral Letter

Dear Jim: I read your last letter with a great deal of interest You’re becoming involved in quite a few things, aren’t you? Remember (you knew this was coming), your first responsibility is to your studies. Yesterday I was reading Calvin’s Institutes. In Book IV, Chapter 1, I came upon something in which you should […]

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“SO IT IS!” W. W. Gasque has made a very valid point. Writing in “The Evangelical Quarterly” Vol. XLI, No.2, he has presented an excellent review of what critical students of the book of Acts have written. He points out that: 1) the opinions regarding the historical character of Acts are very much divided; 2) […]

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A Look at Books

Spurgeon, Charles H. COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES. 224 pages. London, Banner of Truth Trust, 1969. 15s ($3.50) Book lists are normally dry as dust and terribly uninteresting. Not so this one which has now been republished. The listing of commentaries on individual books of the Bible and the listing of sets of commentaries flashes with the […]

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The Supreme Court Decision

The decision of the Supreme Court regarding property rights is of vital interest to the Christian Reformed denomination. The fact that a Synodical Committee has been appointed on this very matter to report to the Synod this year indicates the interest in this question. In the year 1966, two churches of the Presbyterian Church U.S. […]

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Parkinson’s Law in the Church

I have repeatedly chuckled over reading C. Northcote Parkinson’s book, Parkinson’s Law. In it he describes the almost automatic growth in the number of personnel in various kinds of administrative structures of government at an average rate of 5.75% per year regardless of whether the actual work load is increasing, decreasing or totally non-existent! I […]

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