It does not take much wisdom to deduce that our world is in deep trouble. Our country, our society, our culture—all are under attack, with the very real prospect in view that they will not survive. Our moral and spiritual foundations have been corroded to such an extent that public order and tranquility can no […]
The secession of which this editorial speaks is the withdrawal from a church or denomination (more specifically, the Christian Reformed Church) to organize another. That this is not a purely academic or theoretical matter, but rather one that is relevant and practical right now, is undoubtedly familiar to our readers. It is by request that […]
To polarize is to take sides on an issue. To do this may be either good or bad. For example, to set black against white, haves against have-nots, poor against rich, young against old, Dutch against Polish, is to polarize on the ground of race, class, wealth, age, nationality—and to do that would be inexcusable […]
Since the year 1880 there exists in The Netherlands an organization called “The Association for Scientific Education on Reformed Basis.” It is this organization which has been the sponsoring and directing agency behind the Free University of Amsterdam. This University never wanted to be a church school in the specific sense of that word. Nevertheless […]
The author of Psalm 136 commences and concludes his song with the words: “Oh give thanks… ,” He sounds like one who is sadly thoughtful. There is a tone of pleading in his summons. It is a yearning, wistful heart that is speaking. The psalmist is painfully aware of the disinclination of God’s people to […]
Let youth and youth’s counselors be reminded that the book of Proverbs is still in the Bible. It’s hard not to go overboard on youth. A delightful age it is, with bright eyes and bright ideas, with endless vitality and drive. And often there is great enthusiasm and sparkling idealism. Also, the honesty and openness […]
Fellow students: For 340 of you this is a new experience. For the other 600 it is to some “old hat,” to others “more of the same,” to some the signal which starts the mad race, to others—and we hope a majority—the call to the serious yet exciting challenge of Christian higher education at Dordt […]
minister and message To say that a minister preaches the Gospel means that he proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ. He preaches the message of salvation. Originally, the Good News of Jesus Christ comprised the glad tidings which Jesus preached as he walked the countryside of Palestine and said: “The time is fulfilled, and […]
Confusion about quotas – From time to time questions and discussions arise among us about our churches’ “quota” system of giving. In some areas the failure of a church or c1assis to meet its “quotas” seems to be regarded as a kind of delinquency. I was surprised and a little amused at the apparent consternation […]