THE INTOLERANT GOSPEL When we speak of the gospel, we regard it as the good news. And this it is for those who have learned to know their lost condition because of their sins and have found in Jesus Christ complete redemption and assurance of eternal life. What is often forgotten is that good news for […]
When the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church met in June of this year at the Knollcrest Campus of Calvin College there were many very important items on the Agenda. But the matter which caused the most concern and attracted the most attention was the doctrinal issue raised by the writings of Prof. Harold Dekker in the […]
The tenth Synod of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand met in Avondale, Auckland, May 8-12, 1967. Readers of publications of our sister Churches around the world may be interested in a few of the main decisions of that week, thus we write these paragraphs. Re-affirming its whole-hearted support of the R.E.S., Synod not surprisingly, agreed […]
Recently we received two booklets written by Reformed scholars in the Netherlands. They arc part of a new series, called “Cahiers voor de gemeente.” Their purpose is to explain topical theological problems to interested “laymen,” The first two booklets deal with the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. J. L. Koole. Professor of O.T. in the seminary at Kampen, writes on […]
The principle, adopted in 1956 and reaffirmed when the present reconsideration of consolidation of local Christian Schools was begun in November of 1963, still stands. It states that “the only justification for any change from our existing pattern (of school organization) would be furnished by the hope that the new arrangement would provide a better level […]
Vasco Da Gama reached Calicut in India on the 28th May, 1498. With this discovery of a sea route from Europe to the East, a new era of history for India and Ceylon was begun. For the next four centuries European trade, culture, and religion powerfully affected the age-old civilizations of Asia. The history of Asian countries […]
LESSON TWENTY-TWO ART. 2. “A CORRUPT STOCK PRODUCED A CORRUPT OFFSPRING.” Like Begets like Like begets like. Fallen man begets fallen children. Adam’s sin caused all his descendent’s to be conceived and born in sin, Jesus excepted. The innocent looking babe you saw the other day is not innocent, but came into the world laden with […]
BOOKS TO BE REVIEWED CRISIS IN THE LUTHERAN THEOLOGY, by John Warwick Montgomery. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids. 133 pages. Price (paper) $1.50. THE CHURCH BETWEEN THE TEMPLE AND MOSQUE, by J. H. Bavinck. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 206 pages. Price (paper) $2.65. A HANDBOOK OF CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY, byBernard Ramm. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 141 pages. Price […]