The Rev. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield served illustriously as a member of the theological faculty at Princeton for many years. During his great career he wrote often on the subject of the biblical doctrine of the Atonement. In one of these articles he says something which the present Reformed community cannot afford to ignore. The article was […]
One of the leading figures at the great Synod of Dordt (1618-19) was Francis Comarus. Many of his contributions to the defense of the Reformed faith have long since been ignored, largely because histOrians have not wearied of insisting that he was “an angry and querulous old man.” As such he has frequently become a stereotype […]
The cross of Christ is an offense because it exposes both man’s depravity and his helplessness to save himself. If man can make the cross appear less offensive, less condemnatory, less humiliating, less absolute in its antithesis-establishing significance, he will obscure the sharpness of its message: “Choose today whom you will serve; you cannot serve two […]
One of the projects of the World Council of Churches during the last few years has been an elaborate and detailed study of what it calls the “Missionary Structure of the Local Congregation.” Some of the results of that study are very revealing. According to the WCC, “The Church is nothing other than a segment of […]
The Free University in Amsterdam is held in high esteem by many in the Christian Reformed Church. Several of our ministers have received their entire theological training there and many others have attended that institution for the pursuance of doctoral studies. Through these men who have studied there and also through the many scholarly publications of […]
A new Berkouwer book lies before me; one of his great series: Dogmatic Studies. It is a long-expected one, not only because the doctrine of Holy Scripture is basic to the conception of all other doctrines, but also because this doctrine is most relevant to all present-day discussions. This first volume differs in methodology from the […]
All does not necessarily mean all in the Bible. When, for example, Jesus says: “And I, when I ,1m lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself’ (John 12:32), it is obvious that all is not all. For millions of heathen have not even heard of Jesus, let alone been drawn to him. […]
CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL November, 1966 Calvin Theological Seminary, 3233 Burton St., S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506, Subscription Price: $2.00 per year I find it tempting to comment critically upon the contents of this 125 page issue, but this is not the place spacious enough to allow such reaction. May 1 simply point to the main […]
A number of spokesmen for the United Packinghouse Workers of America recently showed how thin the veneer of “neutrality” of the secular trade unions really is. They referred to the Biblical view of work as “medieval,” described workers who do not favour the socialist New Democratic Party as “ignorant” and dismissed the Christian Labour Association of Canada as “phony.” What […]
DE REALITEIT VAN HET GELOOF. H. M. Kuitert. J. H. Kok, Kampen, price f 14.50. The author of this book is assistant professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. He received his doctor’s degree in 1962, for which he wrote his thesis on De Mensvormiheid God (“The Anthropomorphism of God”). In many respects this new […]