
ECUMENICITY AND SEPARATION In a booklet by two New Zealand ministers on “Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement,” the Rev. J. Graham Miller speaks about “separation,” Mr. Miller is aware of the fact that he belongs to a church that is just as “mixed” in nature as the present-day ecumenical movement. What is his view of the […]

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Karl Barth

“Karl Barth is incontestably the greatest figure in modem theology since Schleiermacher, occupying an honored position among the great elite of the church—Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Luther, and Calvin.”1) Thus writes T. F. Torrance of Scotland, an ardent admirer of Karl Barth. An eminent French writer, C. Casalis, bypasses Schleiermaeher and asserts that “not since Luther […]

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Conservative Trends in the Korean Church

Where does conservative thinking stand in the Korean church today? Is its position as firm numerically. as it was twenty years ago? What are its characteristics? Criticism of the Korean Churches Some of these questions are not easy to answer. Conservative Christian thinking in Korean Presbyterianism is being subjected nowadays to radical criticism from many […]

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John Dewey: The Father of Progressive Education?

In a recent issue of the TORCH AND TRUMPET (May· June) Prof. Cornelius Jaarsma sought to present a balanced picture of John Dewey “for readers who have read little, if any, of Dewey’s writings.” Professor Jaarsma is concerned to defend educational philosopher Dewey against misrepresentation, to show that he was not the father-philosopher of progressive education, and […]

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Step-Children of the Reformation

The Anabaptists have in the past been treated rather shabbily, much like the proverbial “step-children.” This is the basic judgment of the Rev. Leonard Verduin whose interest in his subject extends over a period of many years and has stirred him to write this book on The Reformers and Their Step-children. In a series of chapters, each […]

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Students in Tension

A word which is in heavy use these days is the word tension. It is constantly on the lips of speakers, in the columns of newspapers, and on television. Though the word tension has been worn smooth with usage. still I wish to call it to your attention. There is a tension in the world which […]

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A Look at Books

Implications of Evolution by G. A. Kerkvt. Pergamon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N. Y.; in Britain: Headington Hill Hall, Oxford; 4-5 Fitzroy Square, london W. 1, England. 1960, pp. 174. $5.00. This book is part of a series entitled “International Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Biology.” The author of […]

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