In this mathematically minded age we should analyze our feelings of thankfulness in terms of a fraction. Let the top (the numerator) represent the multitude of blessings each one of us can count. But our gratitude does not depend only on the number of our blessings. There is another factor that is just as important. […]
PROGRESS SO-CALLED Some forty years ago I heard Dr. Henry Dosker of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary deliver a lecture on the question Is Modernism Modern? He painted out convincingly that the theological liberalism of that day was little else than a resurgence of heresies of long ago. The same can be said of present·day departure from […]
Today the feeling is widespread that the Christian Reformed Church is passing through a period of spiritual declension. Although the churches are still crowded with worshipers who give liberally, we are facing an attitude of smugness on the part of many who think that we have “arrived.” They are willing to expand the practical programs […]
Life is crowded with God’s gift to us. Think of a few. Our president calls us to gratitude and prayer. Harvests are heavy in the land. Granaries are bulging. Prosperity is at record level. Earnings and spending are at their peaks. So far God spares us from nuclear war. Home, jobs, friends, schools, churches -and a […]
SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MODERN GLOSSOLALIA… Introduction: An Affirmation of Faith Three amazing, unique, authentic miraculous phenomena occur conspicuously in the Gospels, the Acts and the Pauline letters: glossolalia or speaking with tongues (1)(2), demon possession with exorcism (3), and the gift of miraculous healing. All were classed as miraculous gifts or special favors, spiritual […]
“This is the golden age of theology. It cannot rise higher; because we have come so far as to sit in judgment on all doctors of the church, and test them by the judgment of the apostles and prophets.” In these words from his Table Talk, Luther indicates that the Reformation was also the reformation of […]
Vatican II is again in session in the venerable city of Rome. From all over the earth the princes of the church have assembled to undertake the business assigned to them earlier. No longer is the gentle hand of John XXIII at the helm. The question repeatedly raised in the minds and even on the […]
Of the publication of histories of Israel there seems to be no end nowadays. Among the more recent can be mentioned: M. Noth, The History of Israel (Eng. ed.• New York, 1958); J. Bright, A History of Israel (Ph;]a., 1959); H. M. Orlinsky, Ancient Israel (Cornell University Press, 2nd ed., 1960); W. F. Albright, The Biblical Period […]
The Four Major Cults, by ANTHONY HOEKEMA, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1963, 447 pages, price $5.95. Another book on cults? This book de· serves a distinctive place among the works on the cults. In one volume there are actually four books. Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh·day Adventism, and Christian Science are treated […]