
“LET’S TALK ABOUT SPIRITUAL THINGS” A complaint that comes to one’s ears rather frequently is that people don’t talk about spiritual things as much as they once did. The precise truthfulness of such a complaint may be hard to assess. Unfavorable comparisons between the present and the good old days are often loaded with more nostalgia […]

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More on Social Acceptance for the Negro

It was heartening to read Rev. Edward Heerema’s article, “The Negro’s Road to Social Acceptance” in the November TORCH AND TRUMPET. I agree completely with his claim that it is unbiblical to think of the Negro as “an inferior person” and with the need for every Christian to “desire to help these our neighbors in their struggle.” […]

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The Sermon…The Sender…The Sinner

In spite of itching ears (II Timothy 4:3), shrinking numbers at a Sunday evening service, preachers more interested in entertaining than proclaiming, the sermon is still important. The sermon—many human words given meaning and power by a careful, prayerful study of God’s infallibly written Word—is an exciting event. When the lawfully called, properly ordained servant of […]

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“The Wrath of God”

The scriptural teaching concerning the wrath of God should come into clearer focus in our Reformed preaching, teaching and discussion. John wrote: “He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). Also Peter makes it very clear that those who live as unbelievers remain under […]

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Settled and Binding…

The synodical decisions of Reformed churches, especially on matters of faith and life, are of unusual significance. Here under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the churches declare officially what they deem God’s Word plainly teaches. Matters so decided, therefore, are regarded by the membership as “…settled and binding.” Many of these decisions are not […]

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“Science, God and You”

Review of the recent book written by Enno Wolthuis. Published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1963. 121 pages. Price $2.50. I assume that most of our readers know that the author of this book, Dr. Wolthuis, is professor of chemistry at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. He received the bachelor’s degree from Calvin […]

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Can Any Good Come Out of Mexico?

From December 8 through 20, 1963, an important meet· ing is scheduled for Mexico City. At that time the Com· mission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council .of Churches will hold its sessions. It will be a successor to the great series of world missionary conferences held in the past — Edinburgh, Jerusalem, Tambaram, […]

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How Reliable is our Bible?

For 1,800 years the church of Jesus Christ accepted as axiomatic the verbal inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. The theological giant Augustine is exemplary in this view. In a letter to Jerome in A.D. 405 he wrote: “I have learned to yield this respect and honour only to the canonical books of Scripture: of these alone […]

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And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshipped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead […]

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