We, the publishers of TORCH AND TRUMPET, wish to express our grief at the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States of America, on November 22, 1963. This foul deed of infamy and lawlessness with all the sorrow, distress and pain that it brought cannot fail to convey to the hearts of all […]
“Tragedy?” The prudent leader of the world’s most powerful nation. A scholarly administrator, a noble example. A symbol of strength, youth, activity, vigah, hopes of the future. One who, humanly speaking, still had before him so many years of outstanding service to the nation and humanity, future. Such a one infamously assassinated long before his […]
THE PARADOX OF HUMAN GOVERNMENT Human government is God-ordained. Scripture says: “There is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God” (Rom. 13:1). Therefore we are in duty bound to honor the civil magistrate (I Peter 2:17), to pray for him (I Tim. 2:1,2), and to pay our taxes (Rom. 13:6, 7). It […]
In his 1962 Congressional Message President Kennedy quoted the proverb that “Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.” In his 1963 Message he declared that “today the choice in the world is not between communism and capitalism; it is between compulsion and freedom of choice.” It would be fortunate if the direct relationship between both statements were made clear […]
Inaugural Address delivered by Dr.lohn H. Kromminga, A.B., Th.D. in Calvin Theological Seminary, February 6, 1963. It is, of course, a good academic custom that professors of an institution such as Calvin Theological Seminary deliver inaugural addresses. These should be considered important and demand interest, since they are expected to indicate at least some of the […]
“O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid; O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in thy wrath remember mercy.” Habakkuk 3:2 Prophets use a special language and that makes it difficult for us to understand them. Habakkuk saw and heard more by […]
These closing days of 1963 give us pause to reflect on the road along which mankind has been traveling with breathless pace. No date is so sharply etched in our memories as Friday. November 22. when the president of the United States of America was slain by a cruel and cowardly assassin. That event and its […]
The subject for debate was, Resolved that the Reformed Church in America· and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.* (Southern) should merge to form one church denomination. The debaters were, for the affirmative: the Reverend Doctor M. Verne Oggel, pastor of the Community Reformed Church, Glen Rock, N. J., and current president of General Synod; for the negative: […]
LESSON XIX – PART 1 Revelation 19:1–10 Read More Than Conquerors, pp. 213–217 REJOICING IN HEAVEN BECAUSE OF CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE HARLOT A. A GREAT MULTITUDE IN HEAVEN CELEBRATES CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE HARLOT, verses 1–3 This was probably a multitude of angels. The content of their wonderful Hallelujah-chorus emphasizes one point which is so often forgotten. […]
LESSON XIX – PART 2 Rev. 19:11–21 Read More Than Conquerors, pp. 217–220 CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE BEASTS AND THEIR FOLLOWERS A. THE VICTOR UPON A WHITE HORSE, verses 11–16 As another section of the book is about to be concluded (chapters 17–19) the battle of Har Magedon is shown once more. That battle in […]