Light in a Dark Place

And we have the prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as to a lamp shining in a dark places until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. II Peter 1:19 (RSV) Please note that Peter uses here the expression, “the prophetic word made more sure,” instead of just […]

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NO ROOM FOR JESUS CHRIST?…. Of all the seasons of the year none seems to captivate us more than the commemoration of Christ’s birth. For old and young this is supposed to be the “happy” time. We seem intent on shutting out of heart and home anything that smacks of sadness. For this there is a good […]

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Why the Church Capitulated III

Why has the Reformed Church in Hungary succumbed to the tremendous pressures which have been put upon it since World War II? Perhaps this question will never be fully and satisfactorily answered. So many factors enter into the picture, that it is almost impossible to see them all and analyze them accurately. Yet we would like […]

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The Changing Face of our Nigerian Mission

In a recent article we signalized some of the deep-rooted problems which face the Christian Reformed Church and her mission enterprise in Nigeria. Since 1940, when the church assumed responsibility for the work begun by the late Johanna Veenstra and her colleagues, God has richly blessed the labors of the church and her missionaries. Two national […]

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Christmas Around the World

IN ARGENTINA You asked me how Christmas is celebrated in Argentina. Well, what would you answer if I asked you how Christmas is celebrated in the United States? Would you presume to tell me how the Swedish in Minnesota, the Chinese in San Francisco, the Negro in Georgia, the Dutch family in Hudsonville celebrates? No, you […]

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Not Quite the Same Again

Tell me, hills of Bethlehem, the shepherd-men who came To tend their flocks that evening, were they ever quite the same? Often I’ve seen the miracle portrayed upon their faces, And felt they must have worn that look to all their wandering-places. The glory of an angel-choir, each one in perfect part, Must have made […]

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Later Struggles for Survival

It was not long before differences of opinion again disturbed the ecclesiastical peace. Debate continued on the precise meaning of the Lord’s Supper. Also, especially in the Palatinate, the teachings of Arius were spreading rapidly. The feeling on this issue became so intense that in 1572 one of the most vocal Arians, Sylvanus by name,was beheaded […]

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The Laborers are Few

From various parts of the world the cry is heard that the demand for candidates for the ministry and for the missions far exceeds the supply. The Rev. James Munn, Foreign Mission convener, reported to the Church of Scotland at its most recent General Assembly, “What seems to be most lacking, abroad as much as at […]

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“I Am the Fourth Minister…”

“I am the Fourth Doctor…” was the title of an article which appeared in a leading national magazine a few years ago. Sellers of certain drugs, said the writer, hawk their products by means of dramatic television commercials which declare, “Three out of four doctors recommend…” Obviously the fourth doctor is way out of line! The author identified […]

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