Pointed Paragraphs

HOME VISITING: A SOURCE OF BLESSING “House-visitation,” or family visiting, is rightly held in high honor among us. Our Church Order stipulates that the elders shall “visit the families” to comfort, instruct, and exhort them (Article 23). Art. 55 says that ministers and elders shall at “family visiting” teach, refute, admonish, and warn regarding false doctrines […]

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Church and State in East Germany*

Whether “the character of coming generations shall receive the stamp of atheistic materialism, or whether those values which came into the world with the Christian faith shall be the foundation of human society” is being decided in East Germany today. Thus Otto Dibelius. Evangelical Bishop of Berlin, judges in the FOREWORD of God and Caesar in […]

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Your Letter is a Ballot

How many times did you vote during the past year? Once? Only once? You could have voted much oftener. Indeed, you should have! You could have voted on every bill considered in Congress and by the White House. You could have voted on every issue debated in your state legislature or city council. You could […]

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Some Thoughts on Catechizing our Youth

We read in Deuteronomy 6:7, “And these words which I command thee this day shall be upon thy heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto they children…” This passage is rather generally used to indicate the necessity of Christian day school education, and I believe that this use is justifiable. In this article, however, […]

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Just Who is a Liberal Anyway?

Once again this question is bound to be discussed in connection with Dr. Addison H. Lietch’s resignation as professor of systematic theology at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The professor has appeared before the board of the school to explain the reasons why he decided to leave that institution. There he openly claimed that the present structure […]

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Which Communion Form Shall It Be?

Last month’s issue of this magazine featured a symposium of twelve articles, by as many writers, on the question: “Which of the Three Forms for Communion Do I Prefer, and Why?” The purpose of the symposium was to present a cross section of the reactions of our ministers to the two new Forms for our […]

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