- Godfrey Appointed Third President of Westminster in California
Godfrey, W. Robert
- Reformed Ministry
Greenway, Roger S.
- Confronting the Roaring Lion
Kloosterman, Nelson
- The Law of the Lord as Our Delight – Lesson 15: The Liturgical Climax of Covenantal Instruction
- The Law of the Lord as Our Delight – Lesson 16: Covenantal Instruction Concluded with Mutual Promises
Lanning, R.B.
- Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Christian Unity
Maurina, Darrell
- Church & World
Sittema, John R.
- Materialism: Worshiping the “Stuff” of Life
Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Book Review
Vander Meulen, Derrick
- Breaking Unity
- Preaching the Resurrection
Venema, Cornelis
- But for the Grace of God – The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today: Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and “Cheap Grace”
Canons of Dort, grace
- But for the Grace of God – The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today: Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and “Cheap Grace”
Charles Colson
- Book Review
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), women in ecclesiastical office
- Church & World
Christian living, elders, materialism
- Materialism: Worshiping the “Stuff” of Life
Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 26:16–19, study outlines
- The Law of the Lord as Our Delight – Lesson 16: Covenantal Instruction Concluded with Mutual Promises
Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 26:1–15, study outlines
- The Law of the Lord as Our Delight – Lesson 15: The Liturgical Climax of Covenantal Instruction
Jesus Christ resurrection, preaching
- Preaching the Resurrection
Westminster Theological Seminary
- Godfrey Appointed Third President of Westminster in California
church order/polity
- Breaking Unity
church order/polity, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Christian Unity
ministry, reformed faith
- Reformed Ministry
missions, satan
- Confronting the Roaring Lion