- Review of Catechism Curricula
Donovan, Charles
- Can the Family Survive?
Eddings, Greg
- Setting the Record Straight
Engbers, John
- Synod 1993 (Part II)
Kloosterman, Nelson
- Pilgrims Among Pagans – Lesson 1: Privileged Pilgrims!
- Pilgrims Among Pagans – Lesson 2: Singing about Salvation Still to Come
Murphy, Paul T.
- Community Impact Seminar
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie, Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Introducing...CRC Synod 1993
Vander Hart, Mark
- Synod 1993 (Part I)
Vander Meulen, Derrick
- Synod 1993 (Part III)
Venema, Cornelis
- Compelling New Insight? A Critique of Male and Female, One in Christ by Clarence Boomsma
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), CRC Synod
- Synod 1993 (Part II)
- Synod 1993 (Part III)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), CRC Synod, women in ecclesiastical office
- Introducing...CRC Synod 1993
- Synod 1993 (Part I)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), feminism, women in ecclesiastical office
- Compelling New Insight? A Critique of Male and Female, One in Christ by Clarence Boomsma
Christian home and family
- Can the Family Survive?
I Peter, I Peter 1:1–2, study outlines
- Pilgrims Among Pagans – Lesson 1: Privileged Pilgrims!
I Peter, I Peter 1:3–12, study outlines
- Pilgrims Among Pagans – Lesson 2: Singing about Salvation Still to Come
Mid-America Reformed Seminary
- Setting the Record Straight
catechism materials, review
- Review of Catechism Curricula
church and society, church and state
- Community Impact Seminar