- Church & World January 1994
- Princeton Declaration
Greenway, Roger S.
- A Lifestyle for Others
Kloosterman, Nelson
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 10 – Confident Evangelism through a Good Conscience
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 9 – The Pathway to Blessing for a Pilgrim Community
Murphy, Paul T.
- Homosexuality: A Biblical View
Pasma, Kathleen
- Caring
Sittema, John R.
- Ministry to the Older Members of the Church (2) – Retirement: Vacation or Vocation?
Thomas, Cal
- Gays, the Courts, and the Military
Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Book Review: When the Wicked Seize a City
Venema, Cornelis
- The Bible and the Future: “In the Fullness of Time”
Zorn, Raymond
- Current Concerns in the Christian Reformed Church in North America
- Book Review: When the Wicked Seize a City
1 Peter 3:13–22
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 10 – Confident Evangelism through a Good Conscience
Christian Reformed Church (CRC)
- Current Concerns in the Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian living, nursing
- Caring
Church in Germany, homosexuality, Lutheran church
- Church & World January 1994
I Peter 3:8–12
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 9 – The Pathway to Blessing for a Pilgrim Community
aged, elders and deacons, pastoral work
- Ministry to the Older Members of the Church (2) – Retirement: Vacation or Vocation?
evangelism, missions
- A Lifestyle for Others
- Gays, the Courts, and the Military
homosexuality, Princeton Theological Seminary
- Princeton Declaration
homosexuality, Romans 1:24–28
- Homosexuality: A Biblical View
intermediate state, Jesus Christ-return, last things, resurrection of the body
- The Bible and the Future: “In the Fullness of Time”