- Book Briefs from the Banner of Truth June 1996
Admiraal, James
- What is Coming Up at the Christian Reformed Synod 1996?
Bogue, Carl W.
- Correlation versus Systematics
Godfrey, W. Robert
- A New Alliance
Maurina, Darrell
- Church & World June 1996
Monsma, Elaine
- Lessons from Haggai (#6): Haggai 1:12–15
Sittema, John R.
- Do “Covenant Theology” and Evangelism Mix?
Van Groningen, Gerard
- Christ: For Russia/Ukraine
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie, Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Interview with Rev. James Bultman
Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Candles Behind the Wall: Heroes of the Peaceful Revolution that Shattered Communism
Venema, Cornelis
- Re-writing the Bible and the Confessions to Suit the Dictates of Political Correctness?
- Interview with Rev. James Bultman
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
- A New Alliance
Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, gay rights
- Re-writing the Bible and the Confessions to Suit the Dictates of Political Correctness?
CRC, CRC Synod
- What is Coming Up at the Christian Reformed Synod 1996?
CRC, CRC Synod, Hermeneutics, NAPARC, RCA, Reformed Church of the Netherlands, women in ecclesiastical office
- Church & World June 1996
Christ, Church Russia, Church Ukraine
- Christ: For Russia/Ukraine
Church Netherlands, G.C. Berkouwer, systematic theology
- Correlation versus Systematics
- Candles Behind the Wall: Heroes of the Peaceful Revolution that Shattered Communism
Haggai 1:12–15
- Lessons from Haggai (#6): Haggai 1:12–15
John 17, Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons, Singing in the Fire, The Bleeding of the Evangelical Church, The Embattled Christian, The Pundit’s Folly
- Book Briefs from the Banner of Truth June 1996
- Do “Covenant Theology” and Evangelism Mix?