Articles Evaluating Post-millennialism (II) Evolutionary Morals Intemational Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) Meets in South Korea Melanchthon at 500 Readers Respond Reflections of A Great Church The Holy Spirit’s Preparation for the Coming of Christ (VII) Thoughts and Observations on Singles’ Ministry Authors Intemational Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) Meets in South Korea Readers Respond Cox, Gary Reflections of A Great Church Godfrey, W. Robert Melanchthon at 500 Hegeman, Neal The Holy Spirit’s Preparation for the Coming of Christ (VII) Sittema, John R. Thoughts and Observations on Singles’ Ministry Thomas, Cal Evolutionary Morals Venema, Cornelis Evaluating Post-millennialism (II) Subjects AIDS, homosexuality Reflections of A Great Church ICRC, Reformed Ecumenism Intemational Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) Meets in South Korea Jesus Christ-return, last things Evaluating Post-millennialism (II) Martin Luther, reformation Melanchthon at 500 evangelism, Holy Spirit, John 1:32–33, Luke 3:16, Luke 4:1, Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22, Mark 1:12, Mark 1:8, Matthew 3:11, Matthew 3:16, Matthew 4:1, revival The Holy Spirit’s Preparation for the Coming of Christ (VII) homosexuality Evolutionary Morals ministry Thoughts and Observations on Singles’ Ministry unity Readers Respond