Barnes, Doug
- The Kingdom Demands Complete Devotion
Brown, Michael
- Supra, Infra, and Biblical Theology
Hyde, Daniel
- We Confess An Exposition & Application of the Belgic Confession Article 25: Of Sanctification and the Law
Nobels, C.J.
- Press Release of the Combined Meeting of the United Reformed Psalter Hymnal Committee and the Canadian Reformed Book of Praise Committee
Oord, Wybren
- Jesus, Master of the Free
Sluys, Peter
- The Funeral Service
St. John, Russell
- The House of Herod
Van Dam, Nicolaas
- Jean Taffin
Vander Hart, Mark
- URCNA Theological Education Committee
Vogelzang, Nicholas
- The Lady is Not for Burning (with apologies to Christopher Frye) or Is Cremation Permissible for the Christian?
Vos, Brian
- Looking Above A Series on the Revelation of Jesus Christ Revelation 4:6b-8 “The Four Living Creatures”
Belgic Confession, sanctification
- We Confess An Exposition & Application of the Belgic Confession Article 25: Of Sanctification and the Law
Easter, funerals
- The Funeral Service
Heidelberg Catechism, Lordship
- Jesus, Master of the Free
Herod, Judea, kings
- The House of Herod
Matthew 13:44–46, parables
- The Kingdom Demands Complete Devotion
Psalter Hymnal, United Reformed Churches of North America
- Press Release of the Combined Meeting of the United Reformed Psalter Hymnal Committee and the Canadian Reformed Book of Praise Committee
- Looking Above A Series on the Revelation of Jesus Christ Revelation 4:6b-8 “The Four Living Creatures”
church history, Nadre Reformation, reformation
- Jean Taffin
cremation, funerals
- The Lady is Not for Burning (with apologies to Christopher Frye) or Is Cremation Permissible for the Christian?
infralapsarianism, supralapsarianism
- Supra, Infra, and Biblical Theology
seminary, United Reformed Churches of North America
- URCNA Theological Education Committee