Admiraal, James
- Asaph: A Musician in God’s House
Boekestein, William
- Effective Group Bible Study
Larson, Mark
- Grace Beyond Measure
Lubbers, Greg
- Synod Nyack 2012: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Oord, Wybren
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 13: Christ and Adam Romans 5:12–21
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 14: Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ Romans 6:1–14
- The Marks of the Master
Rau, Myron
- Report on Synod Nyack of the URC
Roets, Jacques
- Help for Teaching Your Children Well!
Tuininga, Matthew J.
- Letting Culture Dictate Practice?
Vander Meulen, Derrick
- Practical Ecumenicity: Synod Nyack Accepts OPC Invitation
Veldman, Ed
- URCNA Synod 2012 Impressions
Venema, Cornelis
- Salvation – Personal or Corporate?
Abraham Kuyper
- Salvation – Personal or Corporate?
Galatians 6:17, persecution
- The Marks of the Master
Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), Psalter Hymnal, United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA)
- Practical Ecumenicity: Synod Nyack Accepts OPC Invitation
United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA)
- Report on Synod Nyack of the URC
- Synod Nyack 2012: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
- URCNA Synod 2012 Impressions
- Effective Group Bible Study
children, discipleship, family, young people
- Help for Teaching Your Children Well!
church, culture, Presbyterian Church of America (PCA)
- Letting Culture Dictate Practice?
- Grace Beyond Measure
grace, law, Romans, slavery
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 13: Christ and Adam Romans 5:12–21
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 14: Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ Romans 6:1–14
- Asaph: A Musician in God’s House