In the current debate on school taxes, much is made of the principle of separation of church and state. This is a sound, Biblical principle, proved by American history to be salutary for our nation. It must be maintained at all costs. But equally fundamental is the similar principle of separation of family and stale. Just as […]
During the month which has just passed hundreds of thousands of schools in our land have reopened their doors to America’s children. Freshly starched and scrubbed, the youngsters left their homes, most of them eagerly anticipating the return of organized activity. Smiling parents waved them off, grateful that their offspring could once more benefit from […]
More than thirty years ago the writer heard a Methodist minister of the gospel make this statement before a group engaged in a study of Christian leadership in Protestant churches, “Unless tho Christian church undergirds gospel preaching with a sound educational program centered in the Scriptures she will find her influence decreaSing rapidly,” This brother in the […]
Missionaries at a Christian College Recently, a college student confronted an administrator of his university to complain about a chapel message that he described as offensive, micro-aggressive, and victimizing. The student protested that the speaker should have issued a “trigger warning” prior to giving such a controversial address. The university? Oklahoma Wesleyan—a conservative Christian school. […]