
BIRTH CONTROL, THE POPE, AND MISSIONS A Christian Reformed minister is quoted as having said from the pulpit: “If you want to save souls, have big families.” He might well have added: “If you want to evangelize the world, have bigger families.” In proportion to the task, the manpower supply available for Christian missions is going to become […]

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What Professor Kuiper said….

ON THE LOVE OF GOD… Occasionally one hears it said by Calvinists that God is good and benevolent to all the children of men but that He loves only the elect. According to Scripture, however, it may be said without the slightest hesitation that God loves all men. But what Scripture does not teach is […]

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“THICK LAYERS OF FOG…” The Christmas season has done it again! In another denominational paper an attack on the biblical doctrine of the Virgin Birth has been published. Subtly but surely the article was like an invitation to countless termites to come into the very foundation of the faith. Developing his argument, the author contends that in […]

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In our previous article we reviewed the three main streams of theological opinion which are found in the Reformed Church of Hungary. These are the fundamentalists, the Calvinists and the Barthians. Now we shall investigate how these various groups worked within the church through their several organizations. This will enable us to understand better how […]

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A Look at Books

Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls by PROF. F.F. BRUCE Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan The Dead Sea Scrolls are among the most important discoveries in Palestine in the field of archaeology since the second world war. It could not have happened often In the history of the excavations in one of […]

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Under the Church Spires

THOUGHTS ON CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH… Within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.) the lines between liberal and conservative theology are being more sharply drawn these days. This has led to heated debates and contentions in several congregations. Whenever this happens church law in that denomination allows for the appointment of a “judicial commission” which receives “the authority of […]

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A Look at Books

Pentecost and Missions by HARRY R. BOER Wm. 8. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1961. 270 pages. $5.00. From the viewpoint of orthodoxy it is disturbing that the foreword to this book was written by W. A. Visser ‘t Hooft, who for years has collaborated closely in the World Council of Churches with outspoken theological liberals […]

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First Reactions to Synod’s Decision on Nigeria

By “Synod’s decisions on Nigeria” we refer, of course, to those that pertain to the proposed union seminary, whose official name will be “Theological College of Northern Nigeria” (TCNN). For brevity’s sake we shall use in this article only the initials to designate the proposed school.                     […]

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Dr. Peter Y. De Jong

By the time this issue reaches you Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, charter member of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc., will be sailing to south India. Dr. De Jong has accepted a call to serve in the Mysore-Bellary area as a missionary for the Christian Reformed church. The decision to heed the missionary call involved a […]

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Defining Missions Theocentrically

The late professor Samuel Volbeda taught a course entitled the Biblical Doctrine of Missions at Calvin Seminary before the school had a missions department or a full time professor of missions. The heart of Volbeda’s course was his theocentric definition of missions, Everything else he taught sprang from this definition.* With its heavy English and one-sentence, […]

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