Dr. Peter Y. De Jong

By the time this issue reaches you Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, charter member of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc., will be sailing to south India. Dr. De Jong has accepted a call to serve in the Mysore-Bellary area as a missionary for the Christian Reformed church.

The decision to heed the missionary call involved a radical change in direction for Dr. De Jong as far as his career in the Gospel ministry is concerned. For more than ten years he has been recognized as one of his denomination’s most successful preachers and pastors, having served two of its largest congregations.

Although we shall miss his personal fellowship in the cause of the Reformed faith as we of Torch and Trumpet have sought to advance it, we are happy to see the very important work of foreign evangelism receive so consecrated and competent a servant. We take this opportunity on behalf of our readers to bid him God-speed on his long journey, and God’s choicest blessings on his labors.

We are also able to report that Dr. De Jong has promised to contribute regularly to this magazine from India. With you we look forward to his articles written from the vantage-point of a front-line post in the Savior’s campaign.