Lessons from Haggai (#9): Haggai 2:14

“So it is with this people and this nation in my sight,” declared the Lord. “Whatever they do and whatever they offer there is defiled.” Haggai 2:14 Haggai’s third message to the people was one of condemnation. They had obeyed God and begun rebuilding the Temple, but their heart was not in it. They were plodding […]

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Evangelism Revisited

What is the Goal of Evangelism? Some hold that the goal, purpose, chief end of evangelism is the conversion of the lost. No doubt, we have here a truly noble sentiment and one worthy of contemplation. If the goal of evangelism is the apparent conversion of the lost, then we, should develop a methodology which […]

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The Church and the World

Question: What do you believe concerning the “holy catholic church” of Christ? Answer: That the Son of God from the heginning to the end of the world, gathers, defends, and preserves to Himself hy His Spirit and Word, out of the whole human race,  a Church chosen to everlasting life, agreeing in true faith; and […]

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Presbyterian Federal Holiness

Under the Old Testament administration of the Covenant of Grace, the covenant was largely a physical covenant with a spiritual remnant imbibing in promises and blessings. Under the New Testament administration of the Covenant of Grace, the covenant is not primarily physical with a spiritual component, but primarily spiritual with a physical component (Hodge 130). […]

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Renewed Minds and Pierced Bodies

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2               How we parent changes as our children grow and mature. My current methodology for parenting, because my four sons are all quite young, […]

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The Holiness of God

The church today often speaks of God as just a big daddy who is there to love us and take care of all our hurts. We can climb into his arms and get a big hug when we are feeling sad. While this is nice to think about, it is hardly the way Isaiah felt […]

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The Almighty King Worship Him in His Holiness

Psalm 99 There is a theme that runs through­out the entire Bible. It is evident in the creation of the world, in the calling of Abraham, the giving of the law, the sacrificial system, the tent of meeting, tabernacle and temple. It is evident with the death of Achan when he disobeyed the Lord and […]

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