According to the established system of historical geology, the history of the earth is divided into a number of geological ages. The earth is supposed to have evolved into its present basic structure about five billion years ago. Certain increasingly complex chemicals in the primeval ocean, acted upon by electrical forces in the atmosphere, acquired […]

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On Tuesday, June 4, 1968, Dr. Harry M. Kuiterl, Professor of Ethics and Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam, addressed tile Christian Reformed Ministers’ Institute held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The following is a summary of those remarks which were presented tinder the above title. I. The Exegesis of Genesis 1 The Creation account […]

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Concerning the Origin of Life and the Creation Days

In our previous article we divided the discussion of evolution into the following propositions: 1. Matter has existed from eternity. 2. The earth and at least some stars are billions of years old. 3. Life in the form of one-celled organisms evolved from non-living matter. 4. All animals and plants evolved from one-celled organisms. 5. Man’s […]

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The Bible and Our Life – No. 9: Culture

Scripture: Genesis 1:26–31; 2:8–19 Background: This discussion material is taken from Chapter XI of The Bible and the Life of the Christian. This chapter represents a fine effort to furnish us with a Biblical, Christian perspective with respect to the most important subject of man’s cultural activity. By culture “mankind’s intentional, free, controlling labor of […]

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