Reformed or Presbyterian (IV)

THE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The second major issue which I mentioned above was that of the way we obtain truth from Scripture. The relation between Scripture and theology has become especially problematical. Once again it is difficult to tell exactly what is being said. For the Presbyterian one of the problems is that “theology” is […]

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“Concern and Responsibility”

(A review article of the book, Verontrusting en Verantwoordelijkheid, by G. C. Berkouwer, J. H. Kok N.Y., Kampen, 1969, 189 pp., f 9.75). Never before, it seems, have such changes as are taking place in our modern world affected the life of the Church as they are doing today. The advances of science, the explosive […]

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A Look at Books

THE WORK OF CHRIST, by C. C. Berkouwer. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 358 pages. Price: $7.50. This work represents the latest volume of the series which Professor Berkouwer is preparing under the general title: Studies In Dogmatics. These volumes are precisely what the title declares. They arc not strictly speaking works on […]

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A Look at Books

Man: The Image of God by G.C. BERKOUWER Eerdmans, 1962. 375 pages. Price $6.00 This is the eighth volume to appear in the American edition of Professor Berkouwer’s “Studies in Dogmatics.” It is an excellent source-book for any one who wishes to study the history of the dogma of man as the image of God. […]

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In their intriguing new novel, Gideon’s Torch, Charles Colson and Ellen Vaughn relate a conversation between a minister and a fictional attorney general of the United States. The minister is appealing to a fixed standard for Truth in Jesus Christ and His Word. The attorney general is convinced that there is no fixed standard of […]

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Berkouwer: A Hole in the Dike?

My mind is transported back to 1966. The theology faculty of the Free University had not yet moved to the “suburbs” of Amsterdam, but was packed into that wonderful complex of old buildings on the Keisersgracht. I took a seat close to the open window looking out on the canal. I had never heard or […]

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Correlation versus Systematics

Last month we presented an introduction to Dr. Bogue’s treatment of the thought of the late Dr. G.C. Berkouwer, long-time professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We drew parallels between Berkouwer’s thought and its impact on the Dutch-American scene here in the United States. It would be helpful to read or reread […]

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Berkouwer on Providence and Election

In this discussion of Dr. Berkouwer’s view of Providence and Election, Dr. Carl Bogue points out Berkouwer’s unwillingness to accept reprobation as the flip side of God’s election. The “hard sayings” of the Canons of Dort, the idea of reprobation, the rejection of some, is a problem to Berkouwer. But at the same time, Berkouwer […]

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Berkouwer and the Battle for the Bible (1)

This month and next month, Dr. Bogue focuses on Dr, G.C. Berkouwer’s view of Scripture, which is of course, the fatal flaw which produces error on many other issues. It must be understood at the outset, that here again, we see an early Berkouwer and a later Berkouwer. In 1938 Berkouwer produced a book (Het […]

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