The Dialect of Confessional Indifference

When I became a minister five years ago I was asked if I would be willing to promote and defend the confessions of faith that we as Christian Reformed Church adopted. I expressed my desire to do so by signing the Form of Subscription in the church to which I was called. Since that time […]

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The Dialect of Confessional Indifference (2)

Last month we began looking at some common statements in our day that indicate a sense of confessional indifference. This month we continue with another one of those statements:               2. “IT IS ALL A MATTER OF INTERPRETATION” This statement comes in other forms: “That’s just your opinion,” or […]

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Toleration and Schism in the CRC

Toleration and schism. Toleration is one of the great virtues of our time. Toleration is a benevolent attitude to views or practices different from one’s own. The tolerant accept and cooperate with those who are distinct in some significant way from themselves. Schism is a serious sin against love. From the ancient period church leaders […]

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