
THE RIGHT ROAD TO CHURCH UNITY Throughout the centuries believers have expressed their faith in the existence of one, holy, catholic church. The author of the epistle to the Hebrews writes: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The oneness of the church belongs to the things not seen. […]

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Revelation and Differences Within the Church

The purpose of this article is, first, to draw attention to the fact that generally speaking there are two different views of the nature of revelation current in the Church today. And secondly, to attempt to show how these two different views of the nature of revelation give use to differences of opinion over matters of […]

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Reflections on Church Union

based on: The Challenge of Church Union, Cornelius Van Dam, editor, Winnipeg, Premier Publishing, 1993 When our Lord offered His high priestly prayer, He fervently asked of the Father “that they may all be one.” The fragrance of that petition continues to haunt the souls of all who truly know and love Him. Little has […]

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Unity and Schism in the Church

All Reformed believers who cherish the church as the bride of Jesus Christ are vitally interested in the preservation and promotion of unity within the local church and in the relations between all true churches of Jesus Christ. Such believers confess, in the language of the Nicene Creed, “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.” They […]

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No More Silence

Some time (years) ago I wrote some critical comments about the Committee for Ecumenicity of the URC with regard to its contacts with the Canadian Reformed Churches. The point of what I said was this: We should strive for unity with the Canadian Reformed Churches short of federative unity. That was not taken kindly of […]

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Proposing Unity URCNA & CanRC

Approximately 100 people gathered from southern California and elsewhere on the evening of August 5, to hear a presentation by the members of the Joint Church Order Committee of the Canadian Reformed Churches and the United Reformed Churches. The meeting was hosted by First United Reformed Church of Chino, California. Rev. Ron Scheuers, minister of […]

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Present were: Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, Rev. William Pols, Rev. Ronald Scheuers, Rev. Raymond Sikkema and Mr. Harry Van Gurp, representing the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), and Dr. Gijsbert Nederveen, Mr. Gerard J. Nordeman, Rev. John VanWoudenberg and Dr. Art Witten of the Canadian Reformed Churches (CanRC). Dr. Kloosterman opened the meeting with […]

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Our committees met together Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11, in Jenison, Michigan, at the Bethel United Reformed Church. Rev. Douwe Agema, Mr. Chris Nobels, Dr. Christine van Halen-Faber, and Rev. George VanPopta were present from the Book of Praise Committee, while Mrs. Daphne Jasperse, Rev. Ed Knott, Rev. Rand Lankheet, Rev. Dennis Royall, […]

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On March 22–23, 2006 the committees for ecumenicity of both the OPC and the URCNA met in Willow Grove, PA to further their ecumenical dialogue. Present from the URCNA: John A. Bouwers, Chuck Dykstra, Gary Findley, Casey Freswick, Don Hoaglander, Todd Joling, Ralph A. Pontier, William Van der Woerd, Harry Zekveld. Present from the OPC: […]

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