THE LONG WEEKEND? The Christian Labor Herald (February, 1967) presented an interesting report entitled “Holidays On Monday.” It stated that the members of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States were polled as to whether or nGt they would favor the observance of Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Veteran’s Day and Washington’s birthday on Monday. The purpose […]
“Let us, therefore, diligently retain those characters impressed upon Our minds and estimate them according to the judgment 0/ God. For there is nothing that Satan labours more to accomplish, than to remove and destroy one or both of them (i.e., the marks of the true church); at one time to efface and obliterate these […]
A Letter from a Reader To the Editors of TORCH AND TRUMPET: In recent issues of TORCH AND TRUMPET and in his book God-Centered Evangelism, Prof. R. B. Kuiper quotes Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11, I Timothy 2:4, and II Peter 3:9 to prove God’s sincere offer of salvation to all to whom the gospel comes—that is, well-meant on the […]