In a Few Words

In a recent meeting of the Reformed Fellowship board the question was raised: Why do we publish Bible study material? How does this fit in our purpose as an organization? This was not the first time the question has been raised in our many years of existence. The answer to this question is found in the […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 7: The Devil’s Distortions

Scripture Reading: Ezra 4:6–24 Background Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:1–21; 2 Kings 25:22–26; Jeremiah 52:1–11 Discussion Starters 1. What motivated the enemies of Judah and Jerusalem to “frustrate [the] purpose” of the Israelites? Who was there encouraging God’s people? (Read Haggai 1; see Note 4:2.) 2. What specific actions did Israel’s enemies take as soon as […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 6: Restoring the Temple

Scripture Reading: Ezra 3:7–4:5 Background Reading: 2 Chronicles 5; 7:1–6; 2 Kings 17:24–41 Discussion Starters 1. After the Feast of Tabernacles was finished, what did the Israelites immediately undertake? Did they confine their activities to the community of believers, or did they also work closely with nonbelievers? (See note 6:7.1.) 2. Was it wrong for […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 5: The Remnant Responds Obediently

Scripture Reading: Ezra 3:1–7 Background Reading: Numbers 20:12–40; Leviticus 23:33–44 Discussion Starters 1. What was it that prompted all the children of Israel to leave their homes and gather in Jerusalem? (See note 5:1.1.) 2. What does it mean that they “gathered as one man”? Was this typical of the Israelites prior to the time […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 4: The God Who Restores

Scripture Reading: Ezra 1:1–70 Background Reading: John 10:1–6, 22–30; Revelation 20:11–15 Discussion Starters 1. God lists the names of some but not all persons who made the return trip from Babylon. What role is attached to those whose names are given? Of what significance is that for today? (See note 4:1.) 2. In spite of […]

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Scripture Reading: Ezra 1 Background reading: Jeremiah 28; 29:1–14 Discussion Starters 1. In the opening verse of Ezra, what is the primary fact or detail that the author wants the reader to acknowledge? What is the significance of that detail? Why is that important? (See note 3:1.a and read Jeremiah 28.) 2. What is the […]

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As you and I peruse the pages of Holy Writ, there are four fundamental questions we should always keep in the forefront of our minds: What is God doing in this passage? What is God saying in this passage? How are God’s people responding to God’s actions and words? How should you and I respond […]

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Archaeology: Friend or Foe of Biblical History?

Even before Indiana Jones wooed a generation of young people into pursuing careers in ancient history, archaeology was grabbing the world’s attention. The drama-laden story of Lord Carnarvon’s several-week journey to join Charles Carter in descending the steps of the newly discovered tomb of King Tut is nearly one hundred years old. In the 1800s, […]

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