Election, God’s Love and the Universal Offer

A characteristic of evangelical Arminianism is to interpret the atonement in the universalistic sense of placing men—all men—in a state of salvability. According to this theological system Christ’s death really effected nothing. It views the cross as the focal point where God displayed his holy hatred against sin and demonstrated his love for righteousness, the result […]

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The Riches Of The Reformed Faith (I): Introduction

As we begin this series of studies entitled, “The Riches of the Reformed Faith”, I would like to share two preliminary principles with you. First of all, please know that throughout this series it is by no means my intention to “bash” or to in any way “disrespectfully denigrate” any other Christian faith tradition. I […]

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Theology affects practice. Practice affects theology. That is inevitable. Reformed theology has a practice of worship and evangelism that is consistent with its theology, and that sort of evangelism and worship reinforces Reformed theology. Many in the broader Christian world would say that Reformed theology affects evangelism by killing it, but we simply believe that […]

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