Dear Mr. Editor: Whether Synod not only has the right, but also the duty, to apply the Word of God to church members—who have committed racial discrimination against fellow church members—is a question that involves the integrity of the Christian Reformed Church. Two writers have said in these columns that Synod had no right to […]
A characteristic of evangelical Arminianism is to interpret the atonement in the universalistic sense of placing men—all men—in a state of salvability. According to this theological system Christ’s death really effected nothing. It views the cross as the focal point where God displayed his holy hatred against sin and demonstrated his love for righteousness, the result […]
Forty years ago the Christian Reformed Church deemed it necessary to exercise discipline against two of its ministers1 whose public writings denied the teachings of Scripture that God displays a favorable attitude, or 000redemptive grace, towards all of mankind. Today it is wrestling with the theological pronouncements of a Calvin Seminary professor who has gone to the […]