ABRAHAM KUYPER: a biography, by Frank Vanden Berg. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada: Paideia Press, 1978; 282 pp. $4.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome Julien, Pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church, Pella, Iowa. Some men really stand out in the Reformed tradition. One of these is Abraham Kuyper. But as great as be was and […]

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Where Are We Going – With the Kingdom? (2)

In this second article on the subject, Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Michigan, continues his consideration of that much discussed concept—the kingdom. His aim is to clarify just what went wrong here, and also to point out how our thinking on this important matter can be gotten back […]

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Where Are We Going – With Sphere Sovereignty?

Of late, a renewed interest in sphere sovereignty has come to be very much in evidence. What is it? How is it being misunderstood? In this article, Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Michigan, states: This is no mere philosophical argument. Consider a few of the results that appear […]

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Where Are We Going – With the Kingdom

One who reads the Gospels will notice how often our Lord spoke of the “kingdom of God” or the “kingdom of heaven.” Jesus was promised and was born to be King. He preached the “gospel of the kingdom.” Most of his parables begin, “The kingdom of heaven is like . . . .” In spite […]

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That there is a crisis in the church cannot be denied or ignored. Its character, however, is not easily assessed. Clarity on the fundamental issues is important. One speaks of crisis only when the fundamentals are attacked. “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11. Today many of God’s people are […]

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Tabernacle and Temple

A Tent in the Desert Abraham Kuyper once compared the Christian’s earthly life to Israel’s desert-borne Tabernacle. Eternal life itself, he said, is symbolized in the grandeur of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem: There is something beautiful about this comparison, which is, in fact, quite biblical Paul refers to the same symbolism in II Corinthians 5:1: […]

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THE TIDE IS TURNING There was a time when the great universities in this country were Christian institutions. Today the Christian witness that once was heard in all of these great centers of learning is being muted, or has already been silenced. Secularism is the new religion to which professor and student alike arc committed. The […]

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Viewpoint… A Fine Voice from Free University

The Free University in Amsterdam is held in high esteem by many in the Christian Reformed Church. Several of our ministers have received their entire theological training there and many others have attended that institution for the pursuance of doctoral studies. Through these men who have studied there and also through the many scholarly publications of […]

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The Bible credits Solomon with being a very wise man. Yet his wisdom, wealth, power and prestige brought temptations which overcame him. An Oriental king must have a harem and the greater the king, the greater should be the harem. With the adulation that came to him from every quarter as his reputation grew, especially these […]

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Kuyper on the American Church Scene

Abraham Kuyper and other Calvinist leaders in the Netherlands who shared his views and followed his lead have recently come under sharp criticism for continuing the mistaken medieval tradition of trying to achieve or maintain the ideal of a single religious-political community. They have been called “Christian sacralists.” Our immigrants who have come especially to Canada in […]

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