Convocation Address at Dordt

Fellow students: For 340 of you this is a new experience. For the other 600 it is to some “old hat,” to others “more of the same,” to some the signal which starts the mad race, to others—and we hope a majority—the call to the serious yet exciting challenge of Christian higher education at Dordt […]

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Students in Tension

A word which is in heavy use these days is the word tension. It is constantly on the lips of speakers, in the columns of newspapers, and on television. Though the word tension has been worn smooth with usage. still I wish to call it to your attention. There is a tension in the world which […]

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Church Control of Calvin College?

In the February 1957 issue of The Reformed Journal, Prof. John Bratt wrote an article under the above title however, without a question mark. That omission signifies the main difference between that article and the present one. In his writing he made a strong plea for the ecclesiastical control of Calvin College (as distinct from […]

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What They are Thinking

College and Church Discussions concerning the relation of college and church are wide· spread today. In a provocative article “What Is a Church-Related College?” Dr. Winston L. King of Grinnell College, Iowa speaks of a growing tendency to seek closer alliance. He writes only of “church-related” colleges. The term is “a very elastic hamper” which “covers all those institutions […]

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