CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT – DO WE SHOW IT?\ “Our society not only fails to ask for or expects any depth of commitment from the individual; in a curious way it even discourages such commitment.” These few sobering words of Mr. John Gardner, the United States’ former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, are probably among the […]
THE TIDE IS TURNING There was a time when the great universities in this country were Christian institutions. Today the Christian witness that once was heard in all of these great centers of learning is being muted, or has already been silenced. Secularism is the new religion to which professor and student alike arc committed. The […]
The United Steelworkers of America are at it again! Once again this socialist, N.D.P.—supporting union is desperately doing its utmost to make life miserable for CLAC member Dirk Hoogendoorn, who resolutely refuses to support, in any way, the Steelworkers as a condition of his continued employment with Greening Metal Products and Screening Equipment Company—the Orangeville firm […]
The Christian who is awake repeatedly hears the boastful claims of modern man who, bloated with pride, proclaims himself to be sovereign, self-sufficient and not in need of the Saviour. Arrogant twentieth century man constantly brags about his might and power to create wealth and influence. He vainly worships the creature rather than the Creator, and […]