It is fashionable nowadays to say that all heresies are only a matter of different interpretations of the Scriptures, and that those who propagate such heresies wish to bow before the truth of God’s Word as much as anyone. Well, I’ll be very plain and say that I don’t believe a word of that. There […]
PUNT’S “BIBLICAL UNIVERSALISM” Dear Editor: I greatly appreciate the fairness and accuracy with which the Rev. John Vander Ploeg presented the premise of my book in his article “Punt’s ‘Biblical Universalism’” (Feb. ’81). The most important question, however, is whether my exegesis of the so-called “universalistic” texts is biblically accurate. The article says nothing about […]
ON THE VOS LEGACY It was good that the Outlook carried the article by Peter De Jong on Geerhardus Vos and J.G. Vos. Some scholars feel that G. Vos was the greatest Reformed theologian the western hemisphere has produced. They consider that the mantle of Calvin fell on his shoulders. And J.G. is not only […]
Two little items in the local paper caught my eye the other day. Inwardly I thought, How can people be so stupid? Why don’t they smarten up? The first item dealt with new modern “stylish” shoes, and what they are doing to our feet and backs. People, says the author, “will put up with a […]
REACTIONS TO THE SYNOD The Verhey Case Dr. Verhey, a minister of the Christian Reformed Church who teaches at Hope college in Holland. Mich., questions the speaking of the serpent in Gen. 3 and the reality of the earthquake in Matt. 28:2. Synod was asked to make a final decision of this matter this year. […]
Anyone who is not a stranger in Jerusalem nowadays realizes that on the part of a very vocal minority in the CRC there is a great deal of pressure to get women into ecclesiastical office. Of course, for the present it is largely limited to the office of deacon(ess), a request which the Rev. Bill […]
THE BIBLE‘S INSPIRATION It ought to be said and said plainly: Some of our professors at Calvin College & Seminary hold to views of the Bible’s inspiration which are questionable. to say the least, and not in harmony with a biblical view of inspiration, to say a bit more. And it is misunderstanding of the […]
The church is in the world, but not of it. It is difficult to keep a scriptural balance here. In the past the church was often too little in the world. Today in many cases she is too much of the world. As a result, the salt loses its savor and becomes good for nothing. […]
One becomes accustomed nowadays to reading a lot of outlandish nonsense about women’s rights and women‘s ordination, and most of the time it’s best to shrug one’s shoulders and smile a bit. Many columnists and newswriters betray their total ignorance of biblical norms. One would expect something different, however, when the writer is a confessed […]
A UNITED REFORMED CHURCH? Allow me a few comments with respect to what the Rev. Vander Ploeg has been writing about that “United Reformed Church.” In the April issue of your magazine, he expresses his concern about the lack of response to his initial proposal. He attributes this to one of three reasons; they couldn’t care less; […]