If and when spiritual Christian revival occurs, what will it look like? Scriptures gives us a sure answer. The inspired Psalmist writes: “Revive us, oh Lord, according to your Word” (Ps. 119:107). Revival will be an awesome and unexpected fulfillment of the holy teachings and gracious promises of God as contained in the Scriptures. The […]

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The Holy Spirit and True Religion (III)

Biblical revival comes from God. It is recognized through the standards which God uses to communicate to us about how He works. When God works, He works according to His Word. The Spirit of God convinces us of the necessity for revival and opens our eyes to recognize revival if it pleases God to bring […]

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The Holy Spirit and Morality (IV)

Does Christianity in Canada lead to better morals? The Canadian society will have a difficult time answering that question, for Canada has lost sight of what is moral. What Christians consider to be moral, our society is identifying as being unmoral. It used to be that the Ten Commandments were respected by Canadian law. Now […]

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The Holy Spirit and Morality (II)

The previous article sought to lay down the theological foundation to show the need for spiritual revival in the area of communal and personal morality. Let us take a closer look at the second table of the Law, commandments 5–10. THE SANCTITY OF FAMILY HONOR The 5th commandment says: “Honor your father and your mother…” […]

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The Holy Spirit and the Teachings of Jesus (VIII)

Knowing the Spirit of revival has to do with the personal reception of the Holy Spirit. It is a matter of the mind, first of all, and then of the heart. The mind is confronted by the Word of God and the heart believes. You may ask why the mind is placed before the heart? […]

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The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (IX)

John Calvin, of the 16th century Reformation, was later known as the theologian of the Holy Spirit. The largest section of his Institution of the Christian Religion deals with the workings of the Holy Spirit. Basically, he saw the role of the Holy Spirit as one of magnifying the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who […]

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The Need for a Holy Spirit Revival (X)

It has been my privilege to accompany the 1966 Ligonier Ministries of Canada tour with a variety of theologians, from coast to coast, to speak about Revival and Reformation. My particular concern has been to seek revival and reformation in the Christian church. Many of the tour lectures are printed in the syllabus, By My […]

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In the Patmos model of revival and reformation all the outer garments of Judaism and institu­tional Christianity had been removed. Five es­sentials were there. John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. There was a Christian, the Spirit of Christ, the Word, the lampstands and the Lord’s Day. (This is not a model for […]

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