(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhofs Om Kerk to Blijven) The church, let it be remembered, is the fellowship of those for whom Christ has become all in all. This makes it radically different from and much more than a company of people who happen to profess and defend the same orthodox ideas and insights. All […]
(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhofs Om Kerk te Blijven) By no means everything has been said about the church’s confession concerning itself which has been set forth to this point. The confession of the Reformed churches also declares that all who, having been ingrafted into Christ, are members of His body are called to become […]
(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhofs Om Verk te Blijven) The Son of God accomplishes the threefold work of gathering, defending and preserving the church—so Reformed churches testify in their catechism—by His Spirit and Word. By the Holy Spirit Christ executes all that He must accomplish from Pentecost to the last day for the salvation of […]
In 1960 Prof. C. Veenhof of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Kampen, the Netherlands, wrote a book entitled Om kerk te blijven. It dealt largely with the ecclesiastical difficulties in the “Gereformeerde Kerken” in that country which led to division, disciplinary measures, and the 1disruption of that denomination. To that book he added an “epilogue” […]
(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhof’s Om Kerk te blijven) The confession of the church testifies that we believe the church. It declares specifically that we do not believe in the church. We believe in God the Father and in Jesus Christ, His only–begotten Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Saying the same thing in slightly […]
Anyone acquainted with ecclesiastical affairs recognizes that the issue of “women in office” is tearing many a church apart. Throughout the Roman Catholic Church the question of “females in the priesthood” is heatedly discussed. The recent rupture of the Protestant Episcopal Church cannot be correctly evaluated apart from the approval on the part of a […]
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE ORIGINATORS OF “OUR TESTIMONY” I wish I didn’t have to write this letter, but it becomes necessary because my name appeared along with 43 others as a signer of “Our Testimony” in the October issue of OUTLOOK. I counted it an honor to be included in the original mailing but, […]
This completes the “Testimony” of which the first half was printed in October. The “Testimony” is the result of long discussion and a year of work by a committee and has been endorsed by over 40 Christian Reformed ministers who say that it expresses substantially their convictions on major issues that confront our churches today. […]
For a long time members and friends of Reformed Fellowship have felt that the time has come to state succinctly and yet fully the positions which we believe to be biblica and confessional over against the many deviations which confront us. Certain of our brothers in Northwest Iowa were found ready to try their hand […]
A spirit of pessimism has seized the souls of many right-thinking believers. Nearly all main-line denominations and many smaller ones now register significant losses of membership. Church attendance, with few notable exceptions, declines at an alarming rate. Millions in our lands sustain little more than a nominal relationship to the church and seem to know next […]