A Discussion of the Resolutions of the 1958 Reformed Ecumenical Synod of South Africa on the Race Question INTERMARRIAGE OF RACES The Race Resolutions adopted by the Reformed Ecumenical Synod of South Africa (1958), designated No.ll specifically states, “No direct Scriptural evidence can be produced for or against the intermixture of races through marriage as a statement […]
In August of 1958 the Reformed Ecumenical Synod convened in the Union of South Africa, and on the agenda of this synod appeared the reports of three study committees on tho race problem. These study committees were appointed by the R.E.S. of Edinburgh in 1953 as a consequence of an overture presented by the Orthodox Presbyterian […]
In a recent issue of The Banner we were informed of the decision of the Synod of 1958 that financial contributions in the amount of $2000 are solicited for the restoration of the Calvin Auditorium as a living memorial to the great Reformer John Calvin. The readers of TORCH AND TRUMPET are asked to send their contributions to Our […]
Will Our Civilization Survive? Something has gone wrong with our twentieth century civilization. Mankind today is full of fear and anxiety. Toynbee in his “A Study of History,” sought to analyze the break down and the disintegration of civilizations. Laski in “The Dilemma of Our Times,” claims that the prevailing mood of our day is “one of somber pessimism […]
Will Our Civilization Survive? Something has gone wrong with our twentieth century civilization. Mankind today is full of fear and anxiety. Toynbee in his A Study of History sought to analyze the breakdown and the disintegration of civilizations. Lash, in The Dilemma of Our Times, claims that the prevailing mood of our day is “one […]