PAYING THE BUDGET When is the Christian Reformed Church going to rid itself of the unbiblical term and thought of “paying the church budget”? In most cases, the use of this term does not reflect the sacrificial, gracious giving of its members. When we consider how many hundreds of dollars most members give for Christian education […]

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Thus Spake Karl Marx

A number of spokesmen for the United Packinghouse Workers of America recently showed how thin the veneer of “neutrality” of the secular trade unions really is. They referred to the Biblical view of work as “medieval,” described workers who do not favour the socialist New Democratic Party as “ignorant” and dismissed the Christian Labour Association of Canada as “phony.” What […]

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A New Day for Freedom?

If there ever was a controversy marked by bitter disagreement and utter confusion, it is the one centered around labour unions and their power to force all employees to join or support them as a condition of employment. Although the secular unions pay lip service to freedom of association, they heatedly defend their “right” to compel […]

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Proponents of the American and Canadian trade union movement, for the most part affiliated with the American Federation of Labour-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO ) and the Canadian Labour Congress (C.L.C.), ardently proclaim that their unions are religiously neutral and therefore non-discriminatory. Trade union leaders never tire of pointing out that their organizations are open to everyone, […]

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The Intolerance of Neutrality

The National Board of Christian Labour Association of Canada welcomes the opportunity to use the pages of this publication to acquaint its readers with some of the recent developments in our organization. We believe that it is a matter of the utmost importance that we face the question of the task and place of the Christian […]

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