In recent family devotions we were reading through the book of Hebrews. The whole book is fascinating and worthy of study, but chapter 12 caught our eye. It gives us important principles for the rearing of our children, but it also gives us a historical snippet that tweaked my historical curiosity. The writer reminds his […]
Good story-writing allows readers to see what the author didn’t fully describe because he has helped them imagine. In narrative writing the writer says what he sees and gets on with the story.1 God is the ultimate story teller. “Not only are there narratives in the Bible,” but also “the Bible itself is overall best […]
Our Worship, chapters 6–8, 21, 31 Within the last few years, two important books for United Reformed worship have appeared: the Trinity Psalter Hymnal and the Forms and Prayers. As Abraham Kuyper’s discussion of liturgy suggests, these publications demonstrate a fundamental commitment of Reformed worship: providing a distinct and definite vocabulary with which the assembly […]
Did your parents let you sleep in on Saturdays? Did your parents give you chores to do around the house or around the farm? Maybe you grew up on a dairy farm and had to be in the barn at 5:00 a.m. to milk before school. Your parents probably explained to you that this is […]
I remember my mother telling me when I was a child, “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.” I’ve always been a talker, and more than once I’d had to take heed from the proverb that says where there are many words, sin isn’t far behind (Prov. 10:19). Multiplying words doesn’t […]
As we think about vulnerable and neglected sections of our population at this time of pandemics, we shouldn’t forget those who, for various reasons, might not speak up for themselves: people who live with mental illness and those who are closest to them. They might not speak up because mental illness is still met with […]
Trusting God, Jerry Bridges. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2008. Reprint edition, 2017. Paperback. 368 pages. $15.99. “Nothing, not even the smallest virus escapes His care and control” (13). This quote jumped off the page on a reread of my favorite book, Trusting God, by the late Jerry Bridges. In his preface, the author says that […]
John Newton, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, Simonetta Carr. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2018. Hardcover. 64 pages. $18.00. Julia Gonzaga, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, Simonetta Carr. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2018. Hardcover. 64 pages. $18.00. Mrs. Carr is providing a marvelous series of volumes entitled Christian Biographies for Young Readers. Although they […]
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The day has finally arrived! The new website for Reformation Fellowship, Inc., is up and operational. We are excited about the new bells and whistles that will streamline the reading and shopping experience for you. I would like to spend some time highlighting our features and getting you acquainted with the new format. […]