The article mentioned above states that there are in our Church three different attitudes toward the world which enjoin three very different courses of action: the mind of safety, the mind of militancy, and the mind of love. The first, we are told, leads to world-flight, the second to world combat; but “neither has any right of […]
In the February 1957 issue of The Reformed Journal, Prof. John Bratt wrote an article under the above title however, without a question mark. That omission signifies the main difference between that article and the present one. In his writing he made a strong plea for the ecclesiastical control of Calvin College (as distinct from […]
The orchards, clothed in springtime dress, Are bowers of bloom and loveliness; A mass of flowers. soft and bright, A cloud of fragrant pink and white, A wonderland of blossoms reigns Where once were only barren plains. Each mystic flower drips with rare Perfume that is beyond compare; And from afar this blossom land Seems […]
In this month’s column we shall give some attention to what others arc think. ing on Paul Tillich and “the Unity We Seek.” The two are not as unrelated as may at first appear. Tillich and Revelation: Paul Tillich, University Professor at Harvard, is one of the most influential dialectical thinkers in the United States today. His writings […]
We have been seeking to show that the theology espoused amI expressed by Dr. James Daane contains elements which arc seriously divergent from classical Reformed theology. We must now show that those aspects of his theology which are questionable in the light of Reformed traditions and symbols are likewise questionable in the light of holy Scripture. Daane […]
At the request of the Reformed Fellowship I will gladly give a few practical remarks about the separation of Church and College. In The Reformed Journal I wrote at the time on the principle involved, viz., sphere sovereignty. It seems that our leaders in general subscribe to that principle. But many do not consider it practical […]
Last month I wrote an article on congregational meetings. We noticed that these gatherings are not governmental in the sense that consistories, classes, and synods are. Congregational meetings are gatherings at which the consistory informs the congregation regarding matters of interest pertaining to the church and its activities, consults with the membership as to its opinion […]
All Ye That Labor: An Essay On Christianity, Communism, and the Problem of Evil. (Eerdman’s Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, 1956, 128 pp.) According to the publisher’s introduction this is the first of a series of books to be published under the general title Pathway Books. One of the aims of this undertaking is, in the […]
Springtime is the time for a change of apparel. Not all can afford a new dress every spring. And probably it is not necessary. But if you have worn a garment for half a century, a new dress is not exactly a luxury, especially if the old garment was a borrowed one and never fitted you. The […]
We were deeply shocked by the tidings that Professor Louis Bcrkhof, Emeritus President of Calvin Seminary, passed away suddenly on Saturday morning, May 19, at the age of 83. The members of Reformed Fellowship lnc. tender to the bereaved widow and children and other relatives their heartfelt sympathy in their loss. Since this issue of […]