Pastor Paula

Pastor Paula Irik is a minister of the combined congregation of the Nassau and Prinsesse churches (Reformed, GKN and “state,” HK) in Amsterdam. Nederlands Dagblad, a Dutch periodical, relayed from the Waarheidsvriend the report of an interview with the minister which appeared in her church’s monthly bulletin, which we translate. The occasion for the interview […]

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The URCNA Church Order

In this article I would like to examine the process of candidacy as it relates to the church order. There are several church order articles and appendices that relate to this matter. Article 3 Competent men should be urged to study for the ministry of the Word. A man who is a member of a […]

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So, Your Minister Took a Call

In a morning worship service you have just heard your minister communicate to the congregation his acceptance of a call received from another congregation. As a serving elder you were aware of this situation and, with your fellow elders, you have to face a unique situation and decide what needs to be done and in […]

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In a previous article, we were introduced to the field of archaeology and its relevance for studying and interpreting the Bible.1 We noted that since archaeology is a tool of the historian, and since the Christian religion is a historical religion comprising God’s revelatory work in history, archaeology is a field that should interest Christians. […]

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Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made By Danika Cooley Hardcover: 48 pages Publisher: CF4Kids (February 20, 2016) Reviewed by Rev. William Boekestein “Mommy, where do babies come from?” If this question were asked by a sitcom child, the camera would likely pan from an innocent-looking kid to an awkward-faced adult sputtering halting attempts at an explanation, all to the […]

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Seven Descriptions of the Tongue

How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 4: The God Who Restores

Scripture Reading: Ezra 1:1–70 Background Reading: John 10:1–6, 22–30; Revelation 20:11–15 Discussion Starters 1. God lists the names of some but not all persons who made the return trip from Babylon. What role is attached to those whose names are given? Of what significance is that for today? (See note 4:1.) 2. In spite of […]

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Scripture Reading: Ezra 1 Background reading: Jeremiah 28; 29:1–14 Discussion Starters 1. In the opening verse of Ezra, what is the primary fact or detail that the author wants the reader to acknowledge? What is the significance of that detail? Why is that important? (See note 3:1.a and read Jeremiah 28.) 2. What is the […]

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